Your One Stop Consultant for Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality Compliance
About Us…..
SHEQ-it-OUT was started in 2020 at a time when the world was pretty much stood still due to a pandemic that shook businesses large and small. The idea originated when our owner had a number of small independent businesses contact him for advice and help on how to be Covid-19 compliant.
This got him thinking, that whilst company’s were concerned about the pandemic (and rightly so) they were also either not fully compliant with the laws of Health and Safety in the Workplace or they were missing vital information. The most common of responses found when speaking to business owner’s was “I didn’t realise we needed that!” - and some of these company’s are paying their Heath and Safety Manager’s upwards of £60,000 per year. That’s a lot of money not to be compliant…….
SHEQ-it-OUT are different - We offer you full compliant packages from as little as £6 per day. We will write your policies and procedures, your risk assessments, your safe systems of work, your training matrix’s and much much more.
What we can offer you….
SHEQ-it-OUT are an independent consultancy company with limited overheads and maximum knowledge. Just take a look at some of things we can offer your company
Fire Safety
Display Screen Equipment
Covid - 19 Assessments
SSIP Accreditations
CDM Help
Full Compliant Packages from just £16 per day
Risk Assessments
SHEQ Auditing
Health and Safety Training
Environmental and Quality Packages (ISO14001 and 9001 compliant)
To arrange a no hassle friendly chat over the phone please fill in the contact form. We don’t operate a call centre or sales team so you will be contacted by a professional consultant every time.